Create Golem

Conjuration (Creation)

Skill Check: Knowledge (arcane lore) DC 32, 7 successes; Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks; Components: V, S, M, XP; Casting Time: 7 hours (minimum); Range: Touch; Target: One corpse; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

This incantation fuses an elemental spirit with a patchwork collection of body parts knitted into a single bipedal form. Create golem brings a flesh golem to life under your command. The golem can follow simple instructions. It does not speak.

Options: If you want to create a gear golem rather than a flesh golem, increase the DC of the Knowledge (arcane lore) check by +8 and increase the experience point cost to 700 XP. If you want to create an advanced golem, increase the DC of the Knowledge (arcane lore) check by +2 for each additional Hit Die.

Material Component: The body of the golem must be made to exacting eldritch specifications, with rare ingredients and unusual components (purchase DC 25).

Experience Point Cost: 400 XP.

Failure: Attack. The golem immediately goes berserk, attacking everyone and everything.